Well it's been quite an interesting time since I last wrote something here. For a start I am now another year older! I was going to put a comment about getting old but to be honest I'm not really bothered. I just keep telling myself (and everyone else) that I'm only 31. The reason for this is I decided to start going backwards in birthday years once I hit 50. That means I will be 30 next year. (In reality 70.) So maybe I'll start coming forwards again? My daughter tells me if I don't she will cease to exist by the time I get to 21 ha ha. I have also decided to have more than just one 'birth day' and have spread the celebrations out over a couple of weeks, maybe a month. It's a lot more fun that way. Perhaps I'm making up for all the parties I never had as a kid??
I've also been busy completing a friend's website. She's an artist who creates brilliant pictures and murals for kids but her website was so out-dated it needed to be brightened up. I've made it full of colour with some lovely images of her work. Totally different to the original. Fortunately she loves it.
This week I also completed two interviews. The first one has gone live on the ALLi (Alliance of Independent Authors) Blog. Reads great. In fact sounds better than when I originally answered the questions lol. You can read it by clicking this link:
The second interview was for a student from Cardiff Uni. Runzezi is Chinese and is in her final year doing Media and Journalistic Studies. We met at a local Art gallery and got talking and she asked if she could interview me. Always one to chat I said yes. What should have been about an hour and a half turned into three hours. It was good fun. We talked about all sorts of stuff not just my writing. She's off back to China later this year but I hope to keep in touch with her. Waiting now for the finished result to go live.
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