Monday, 15 January 2018


Well what a crazy Xmas break I've had. Unfortunately the week before Xmas just as I was looking forward to a relaxing few days away at the Botolph Hotel & Spa on a Musical Break I was struck with a virus. What started out as a mild sore throat has ended up with my now entering my fifth week suffering with a cough and cold. And of course I have passed this along to my husband. You can guess how poorly he's been suffering!!

All this of course put paid to a good Xmas break and a New Year celebration. However, one good thing to come out of it is that I have lost quite a few pounds in weight. Just what I needed ha ha.

The other good thing was that being stuck at home meant I got the opportunity to catch up on some work. Finished the second set of the Little Friends Picture Story Books so they are off to the publisher later this week. And have just completed the third and final set so they will follow to the publisher in due course. The plan is to have all 12 books up and running by the end of April at the latest.

Another gain is I managed to complete the first review of the manscript for one of the young writers I am currently mentoring. It now needs proofreading and a front cover design agreeing upon prior to it going to the publisher. I'm also progressing the other young writers work, a series of poems which will include some lineart relating to the subject of each poem. Again these should be in print within the next couple of months.

That now leaves me free to decide what to do next? I have a number of short stories to finesse and a novel based on a famous opera star to complete. I am also considering reviewing and updating my historical novel and mystery short story book. The latter is due a new cover which is in the process of being completed. Looks like Spring 2018 is going to be an active start to the year.

NB are you a young writer? Would you like to have your written work reviewed then please feel free to contact me at

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