Saturday, 29 April 2017


Members of SCWBI (The Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators) Welsh Division attended the Llandeilo Book Fest on Saturday 29th April.

This was a new venture for Llandeilo who organise a lot of artistic events in order to bring people to the town.

Quite a few members attended either to help with stall or they were offering readings or workshops at various venues in the town. There was a good amount of footfall which made the long day go reasonably fast. We were in the Civic Hall and the Mayor of Llandeilo attended in order to give our some competition awards.

It allowed us the opportunity to meet other members and also potential new ones as well as a variety of other Authors attending the event.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Baby & Kids Craft Fayre

Had a pleasant day at The Ostreme Centre, Mumbles attending the Endless Love Baby & Kids Craft Fayre on Saturday 22nd April.

Fortunately the sun was shining which mean people were out and about. This was the first time the ladies had organised the event and even though the footfall wasn't as busy at it could have been they did a good job and I sold some books and made a couple of connections.

Following that I had a good meeting with someone who wants me to collaborate on writing some children's story with a specific theme. Will see how this goes.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Endless Love Baby & Kids Fayre

Have had the flu so have been doing very little over the last few weeks. Not a lot you can do when you are coughing your guts up is there?

However, I have managed to pack my stuff ready for next Saturdays event at The Ostreme Centre in Mumbles near Swansea (11am to 2pm). This is the first of what the organisers hope will be a recurring event aimed specifically at the younger children. It should be a good day.

After the fayre I am off to meet up with a new connection to discuss the collaboration for a new series of older children's story books. I am being taken out for High Tea so the afternoon should be both tasty and enjoyable.

Have also finally managed to get the second set of books completed in draft form so shall be meeting with the publisher over the next couple of weeks in order to finalise them ready for printing. Hopefully they will look as good as the first set.

There's lots happening down here on Cardiff Bay over the next few months, starting with The Lady Boys of Bangkok show in a marquee set up in the centre of the Roald Dahl Plass. Strange what sights or events can give a writer ideas for a story!!!

Am also trying to put together a special picture/story book for my grand-daughters birthday. Shall I just say it will include some monsters, a police box and maybe an odd doctor or two. It will be a one-off. Hopefully she will like it as she is a big Dr. Who fan.

That's it for now folks.

Friday, 7 April 2017

Getting Involved

Have been held up with getting the second lot of the Little Friends Picture Story Books ready for the publisher. I blame my husband who nicely shared his cold and bad cough with me. Arrgghhhh!!
Anyway on the mend now and have got the final drafts ready so they will be off to the publisher in the next week. Looking forward to seeing them in print as I have used a new illustrator for this lot.

I've also been enjoying the glorious sunshine down here on Cardiff Bay. And am getting involved with the local community.

Two weeks ago I attended a local primary school where the children's writers group interviewed me. They asked me quite a varied selection of questions and interacted with me really well. The last being unusual - What is my most embarrassing moment? I had to laugh as I had a problem trying to remember one. Finally told them I couldn't remember and to put it down to my age and selective memory!! It worked.

Have also been attending a couple of events with the SCWBI Group that I am a member of. The last one was a workshop with a local writer/teacher who gave good advice on writing. Very interesting session.

Got a few things in the pipe-line now for the next few weeks and am collaborating with someone about writing a serious of stories so exciting times ahead.