Monday, 18 December 2017


What an interesting time I’ve had recently. Following the launch of the new versions of Woodland Adventures the first six books set from the Little Friends Picture Story book Series I attended St Teilos School Xmas Fair.  I did feel sorry for the school as it decided to try and snow that day. And of course it was bitterly cold and icy which meant foot-fall wasn’t as great as last year. Still overall the event went quite well.
The following week I was invited to do an interview for the Dan Donnelly section titled The Way It Is on VCS Cardiff Radio. What an experience. Basically Dan wanted me to talk about how I had ended up living in Cardiff. The interview covered time before Cardiff, what was happening now and what I wanted for the future. Being pre-recorded over about 45 minutes meant any mistakes or hesitations could be edited out. The finished feature was, according to Dan, very good. I missed most of the ‘live’ performance as I was busy elsewhere so Dan has sent me a copy to listen to. I must say it’s very strange listening to yourself talk as one never sounds like you would expect to.
Christmas has now started approaching fast and so the merriment has begun. Parties, drinking, eating too much, lots of presents and fun and games. Being a grand-parent of children of different ages our celebrations seem to vary. They also began early. Presents, party games and a feeling of peace once  we returned home. With the older children, or I should say young women now as they are a lot older, it seems to be a lot easier. Presents become money which makes it easier for us and means they get to buy what they really want. Mind you they do all live in Australia!
As for us it will be Christmas followed by New Year celebrated here in Cardiff Bay.  Nice and relaxing. Perhaps it’s a sign of age when you prefer the peace and quiet to jigging around and getting drunk. Mind you at least if one gets drunk at home you are safe and warm when you fall over ha ha ha!
To anyone who has bothered to read this I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Joyous and Happy New Year.
PS And if you want to start writing, or need help with your manuscript, poetry, novella etc then feel free to contact me at

Tuesday, 5 December 2017


A good day on 30th November at the Cardiff Bay Book Fair at the Norwegian Church. My display looked good and the books arrived on time. I am a happy bunny with the results of the launch of the first series - Woodland Adventures - of the Little Friends Picture Story Books.

A great day for myself and all the other authors there.

Monday, 27 November 2017


New book covers for the Little Friends Picture Story Books: Woodland Adventures Series






I shall be relaunching the first series in the set of 'Little Friends Picture Story Books Set' on 30th November at the Cardiff Bay Book fair.

Originally written and published in 2012 the 'Woodland Adventures Series' is the first in the set of 3 books, consisting of 5 stories each. The new series of books have been extended to 6 stories each with some slight amendments. Plus, there are a some wonderful new page illustrations that will amuse and delight all children. The stories can be read to children from as young as 2 years old and later read by older children as they grow. 

Renewing the stories and style of books has been an enjoyable experience and I am looking forward to completing the second and third series in the set: 'In the Garden' and 'Farmyard Fun.' Again each series will consist of 6 story books each with new colourful illustrations.

The first series of stories will be available in 2 sizes and formats as well as in App formats.

Print: 240 x 240 mm (direct from the Author and can be personalised upon request)

Print: 216 x 216 mm (available as POD from Amazon)

Ebook: Also available from Amazon (coming shortly)

App:  Available for Iphone and Android Devices.


I will be launching the new issues of my

Little Friends Picture Story Books: Woodland Adventures 

when I attend the Cardiff Bay Book Fair on Thursday.

All are welcome to come along and meet not just myself but another 20+ Authors 
who will be offering a variety of interesting books. Be sure to get your copies signed.

Monday, 23 October 2017


I sometimes wonder if writer's block really exists. But I am sure it does. I only question this because my mind seems to be working overtime regardless of the fact that I have had the most horrendous cough and cold for the last 2 weeks. And that's for the second time in 3 weeks with a flu jab thrown in for good measure. Really I think I just need to find the energy to sit down and write down everything that is floating around in my brain.
Where do all these story ideas come from?
I recently came back from a few days away at Crewe Hall meeting up with a couple of friends from Yorkshire. Apart from a few hours out in Nantwich, which I loved, we spent the entire time catching up on what had been happening to us and our families respectively, eating and drinking. At least it took my mind of the awful cough and cold.
Returning to South Wales I spent Sunday meeting up with members of our local SCBWI Club. That's the Society of Children Book Writers & Illustrators. We are a worldwide membership and a very friendly group. I apologised in advance in case anyone began feeling a bit off later in the week. I hope not. Still it was a good get together where we offered a warm welcome to a couple of new members.
Funnily enough just before I left for the event, which fortunately was just across the road from me, I sat and typed up the beginning of a new book. So maybe my illness hasn't affected me as much as I thought it might. Now to just finish it!
Hey Ho back to the grindstone. Finishing the last Little Friends Picture Book Series ready for the publisher. And then on to completing my historical novel that has been on the go for about the last four years. Time to finish it ready for the New Year.
In the meantime I am bracing myself for a family Halloween get together later this week. I have agreed to dress up this year... still not sure about this. Only time will tell...Oooooooooo

Thursday, 14 September 2017

Getting Closer!!

Well I'm amazed at myself? I've actually managed to write two blogs within a month of each other. Maybe the jet-lag didn't affect me as bad as I thought. Or maybe I have just decided to knuckle down and get on top of things.

Everything for the reissuing of the first lot of books in The Little Friends Picture Story books are now with the new publisher. He has promised I should have a draft of the first book before the end of the week. Whooppeee if this happens. Keeping my fingers crossed for all the first set to be ready for the Book Fayre at the Norwegian Church, Cardiff Bay on 30th November. 

Illustrator and I are close to completing the images and story-lines for the second lot of books in the series so that means once the first lot are done we can get on with these.

And we are also well on our way to finishing the first sketch drafts for the last set in the series. I am finally seeing the end of the tunnel.

Met up with a local singer today who has given me a deadline for completing a book I am part way through about an opera singer from the 19th century. He says I have until just after Easter to get the book finished and published. Looks like I'm going to be busy this winter. Well at least I will be occupied during the bad weather.

Thursday, 31 August 2017

Young Writing Entrepreneur!!

Having just spent 2 weeks in America on holiday as well as attending a family wedding I am now home ready to get back into the swing of things. Well, I will once I fully recover from the jet lag. The older you get the harder it is to recover and to get back into a good sleep pattern.

Plus of course I had to catch up on all my emails. Not that many really as I managed to keep on top of them via my iphone whilst abroad. My husband didn't and complained he had about 123 emails to sort through upon his return. Had I not been able to keep on top of the emails I would probably have had close on 700? Also Dropbox has proven to be a boon. All the wonderful pictures I took I managed to upload to my Dropbox account giving me time when I returned to sort and post to my private social media.  I love technology.

Another more interesting, surprising and pleasing item of news is that one of my four Grand-daughters, who live in Australia, and who loves writing poetry and fantasy stories has decided to set up a small business selling new and used books. She will also be blogging and wants to offer help to other potential writers. As I mentor writers of all ages she has asked me if I will support her in this venture. How can I refuse? Especially as 2 out of 4 of them are already in print so I certainly want to encourage this one as well. Waiting to see the finished results of her book and hopefully will get to see it in print as well.
(If you would like to support her in this new venture I would appreciate it. This is the link: )

Reading has always been a big thing within our family. Both my daughters are avid readers and big book collectors. My youngest has often been heard to tell her kids 'in the event of a fire save my books before anything else!' Needless to say you can imagine their response as she must have over 400 books not including the electronic ones!!

Anyway, now I am back I am ready to complete the relaunch of the first set of the Little Friends Picture Book Story Book Series and get on with the finishing and launching the second and third sets. Then it's on to things new. The list is increasing so it's time to knuckle down and get some hard work done.

Wednesday, 28 June 2017

Busy Life

I hadn't appreciated how time consuming being a blogger could be. Which is probably why I don't do it as often as I should. Besides I've been concentrating on finishing the last in the series of Little Friends Picture Story Books.

I have to say how pleased I am with the images for the second set Little Friends - In the Garden. And the next lot of images for Farmyard Fun are, so far, looking very promising.

Having attended a SCBWI workshop recently I was encouraged by all attending to get on with my second historical novel. It's a sort of 'semi-biography from a woman's point of view' type of novel - if there is such a thing. But the other members enthusiasm for wanting to learn more about the novel has really fired me up. And so with the short stories just about complete I have once again taken up the mantle and begun writing.

Of course, I'm supposed to be retired, so should be taking it easy. Perhaps that why I haven't rushed doing the book. Having said that I also haven't finished the musical play based on the same main character. Having had that reviewed by an a retired theatre Director/Actress I am now looking for music to complete it. The lady in question was most encouraging, telling me I needed to get it performed. So I put feelers out and have made a few contacts. Hopefully something will come of it in the not too distant future.

Well that's it. I realise I am not as good some people at this blogging lark. Maybe I'll improve with practice?

Have a good day everyone

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Saturday, 29 April 2017


Members of SCWBI (The Society of Children's Book Writers & Illustrators) Welsh Division attended the Llandeilo Book Fest on Saturday 29th April.

This was a new venture for Llandeilo who organise a lot of artistic events in order to bring people to the town.

Quite a few members attended either to help with stall or they were offering readings or workshops at various venues in the town. There was a good amount of footfall which made the long day go reasonably fast. We were in the Civic Hall and the Mayor of Llandeilo attended in order to give our some competition awards.

It allowed us the opportunity to meet other members and also potential new ones as well as a variety of other Authors attending the event.

Saturday, 22 April 2017

Baby & Kids Craft Fayre

Had a pleasant day at The Ostreme Centre, Mumbles attending the Endless Love Baby & Kids Craft Fayre on Saturday 22nd April.

Fortunately the sun was shining which mean people were out and about. This was the first time the ladies had organised the event and even though the footfall wasn't as busy at it could have been they did a good job and I sold some books and made a couple of connections.

Following that I had a good meeting with someone who wants me to collaborate on writing some children's story with a specific theme. Will see how this goes.

Thursday, 20 April 2017

Endless Love Baby & Kids Fayre

Have had the flu so have been doing very little over the last few weeks. Not a lot you can do when you are coughing your guts up is there?

However, I have managed to pack my stuff ready for next Saturdays event at The Ostreme Centre in Mumbles near Swansea (11am to 2pm). This is the first of what the organisers hope will be a recurring event aimed specifically at the younger children. It should be a good day.

After the fayre I am off to meet up with a new connection to discuss the collaboration for a new series of older children's story books. I am being taken out for High Tea so the afternoon should be both tasty and enjoyable.

Have also finally managed to get the second set of books completed in draft form so shall be meeting with the publisher over the next couple of weeks in order to finalise them ready for printing. Hopefully they will look as good as the first set.

There's lots happening down here on Cardiff Bay over the next few months, starting with The Lady Boys of Bangkok show in a marquee set up in the centre of the Roald Dahl Plass. Strange what sights or events can give a writer ideas for a story!!!

Am also trying to put together a special picture/story book for my grand-daughters birthday. Shall I just say it will include some monsters, a police box and maybe an odd doctor or two. It will be a one-off. Hopefully she will like it as she is a big Dr. Who fan.

That's it for now folks.

Friday, 7 April 2017

Getting Involved

Have been held up with getting the second lot of the Little Friends Picture Story Books ready for the publisher. I blame my husband who nicely shared his cold and bad cough with me. Arrgghhhh!!
Anyway on the mend now and have got the final drafts ready so they will be off to the publisher in the next week. Looking forward to seeing them in print as I have used a new illustrator for this lot.

I've also been enjoying the glorious sunshine down here on Cardiff Bay. And am getting involved with the local community.

Two weeks ago I attended a local primary school where the children's writers group interviewed me. They asked me quite a varied selection of questions and interacted with me really well. The last being unusual - What is my most embarrassing moment? I had to laugh as I had a problem trying to remember one. Finally told them I couldn't remember and to put it down to my age and selective memory!! It worked.

Have also been attending a couple of events with the SCWBI Group that I am a member of. The last one was a workshop with a local writer/teacher who gave good advice on writing. Very interesting session.

Got a few things in the pipe-line now for the next few weeks and am collaborating with someone about writing a serious of stories so exciting times ahead.

Monday, 20 February 2017

Life is running in the fast lane!!

So here we are in 2017 and I still haven't managed to get into the habit of 'blogging' on a regular basis.
Mind you I have been too busy trying to get on with the next set of stories to be added to the Little Friends Picture Story Books. Fortunately the Illustrator and I have managed to work on them and we are in the process of completing the last 2 stories ready for the publisher at the end of the month.
Despite being retired it seems my life is running in the fast lane but hopefully it will settle down shortly. Not complaining its better than sitting doing nothing. Ha ha!